Tuesday, 27 May 2014

I can not believe I haven't made a blog entry for a little over 3 months.  I am not really sure where to start or what to write about? I guess in my next few posts I will just try and give you a condensed overview of the last 3 months regarding Owens progress and on goings.

The first thing I should mention is a follow up about Owens previous eye test results from Great Ormond Street.
If you remember in simple terms this test was to see how Owens receives and processes the signals and messages from his eyes to his brain. This was done by placing Electrode's on his head and making him watch a TV screen showing a children's DVD while at different intervals being interrupted by flashes of different black and white patterns. 
Visual Impairment is another one of those things linked to Cerebral Palsy and is one of my many concerns regarding Owen.

As I sat in the waiting room at Watford Eye Clinic to receive the results I began to feel increasingly nervous. We were first called in for a simple eye test, something that Owen never really does well in. I asked if they had the results and the doctor said they were not in the file, but more than likely the consultant who I would be seeing next would have them. The doctor explained without the results they couldn't really decide what the next cause of action would be. I knew instantly what he met and voiced what he was trying to skirt round telling me. If the results were bad and Owen wasn't receiving those messages and basically couldn't see... there would be no point in looking into glasses. I then got told to go back into the waiting room to wait for the consultant. I felt sick I was basically waiting to find out if my son could see!!!
Just to complicate things further the consultant did not have the results, so he had to phone Great Ormond Street to get them to fax them over to him. The consultant asked me if I wanted to wait further in the waiting room or go home and he would call me. I said I would wait.  Finally 2 hours after my appointment time I got called in to talk to the Consultant... The results came back NORMAL!!!!!

Obviously we still have concerns with Owens sight and are not out of the woods yet. His eyes are developmentally delayed and he is long sighted. We are too go back for another eye test in June then again in September where we will also see the consultant.
But for the moment we can just be relieved.