This September was a big one in the Skelton Household.
Bethany started her first year at senior school. Coming with this new start and new school came lots of new independence and new responsibilities. At times I wasn't sure who was more anxious and nervous as we reached this major milestone.
The solo walk into town to catch a bus. In charge of her Oyster card, School ID & payment card, Mobile phone and front door keys. That was even before she started her school experience. I am pleased to say she is coping incredibly well. In fact I would go as far as to say she is positively thriving. I hope the newness of the situation doesn't wear off. But at this present time I couldn't be prouder.
Owen too had a new beginning, as September brought about Owen starting at a place called Nascot Lawns.
Nascot Lawns is a Children's Service where they offer Respite care for Children with Additional and Medical needs. Under 3 this consists of a place in there day Nursery. In older children this can also consist of an overnight stay. Each child receives 1:1 care by specialist Nurses and Nursery staff.
It truly is a lovely place. The building they use is a huge detached house which is set up to remain to feel like a beautiful home, with the added addition of specialised equipment and numerous bedrooms downstairs. Nascot Lawns also has the most wonderful sensory room.
After a few visits and sorting out of care plans, Owen starting his first full day last Thursday 10 to 2.30pm. Being his first full day and one of his first few experiences away from me, Owen was a little unsettled and upset at times. Not really the thing you want to hear when you already feel the guilt for leaving him. Florence also cried when we left him. I am hoping he will soon settle and leaving him will feel less traumatic.
With Owen being at Nascot Lawns for the best part of the day, Thursday has now become Mummy & Florence day. A day where I can solely focus on little Florence. A day to do mainstream activities others take for granted. I hoping the distance between the twins will help prepare them for when they start separate nursery schools. A chance for each of them to thrive independently.
With new beginnings also come.the return of old routines. Back to the school run. With Bethany having to leave the house earlier the whole household needs to be up and moving a little bit more earlier.
Lilly is glad to be back at school. I Can't quite believe she is now in year two. She has settled back into her routine well. She still thinks it is funny that after the 6 week holidays she still has no front teeth. The girls dance class has started back again. Lilly also starts her after school multi sports club next week. Lilly is also on major countdown to her Birthday next month. Fingers crossed she doesn't ask for me to make her a Flamingo Birthday Cake.
EYSDC - Early Years Specialist Development Centre (formerly known as Opportunity class) has started back again. We now go Monday to Wednesday.
Many many appointment letters have dropped through the letter box so a busy couple of months is ahead of us, but that's nothing new.
So like I have already said September means for us "New Beginnings & Old Routines"