Before we arrive at Nascot Lawns and after we have dropped of Lilly at school we take a slow walk through the town centre, right to the top. The twins then love to stop at the new "controversial redeveloped" pond. This pond is controversial because it cost so much money to regenerate and not many people think it was money well spent. The twins are probably the ponds biggest fans. Florence loves seeing the ducks and the pigeons and Owen absolutely loves the water fountain. Across the pond is a bridge which brings you so close to one of the fountains that you can feel the spray in your face. The sound of the water fountain crashing down is louder here too. Owen absolutely loves both these things. Owen looks and laughs every time. Maybe we should invest in a water feature for our garden.
On the 22nd of this month it Lilly's 7th birthday, It was a Wednesday which meant school and the girls after school dance class. Lilly didn't mind. We all had to get up extra early that morning so Lilly could open some of her presents before Dad went to work. We opened the remained presents after we got home from dancing. Lilly had a fantastic day.
The following weekend we all went bowling for Lilly's birthday treat. Florence had my go using the ramp. Florence loved watching it speed down the lanes knocking over the skittles. Florence didn't however love waiting her next turn. Owen wasn't to keen on the whole bowling experience. Owen did have a go but I think the noise and the whole atmosphere was really overwhelming for him. He got quite upset. This increased further when a new family started there game next to us, amongst them was a very loud and very competitive Dad. "Competitive Dad" shouted instructions, bouncing around showing off his "winning techniques" Alex and I found the whole experience quite stressful. I am also considering buying Owen some ear defenders. The main thing was Lilly & Bethany had a fun time.
Florence had her two year old development while Owen was at Nascot Lawns. For this appointment I had to bring a completed questionaire concerning her development. This was upsetting as according to what the questions asked are Florence is very delayed in many areas. I am concerned about her lack of speech.
This view is also shared by Owen's own Speech therapist. I have to take Florence to a Speech and Language drop in clinic. A health visitor later phoned me at home to say they Were going to refer Florence to see a Community Paediatrician. It is easy to forget the long lasting problems being a ex-premmie can bring.
What a month October was. There were a few more appointments I haven't mentioned as.otherwise this would be a very long read. There was a parents evening (well done Lilly) and then Opportunity Class, dance classes, after school sports clubs to contend with but it's all good fun.
We also had a few milestones to celebrate... The Twin's due date was the 19th October.. now they are two professionals no longer correct age so this date may soon be forgotten. (Obviously not by us)
The 2nd Anniversary of Owen's Home Coming was on the 23rd October...
and of course it was Halloween.
We also had some good news which means big changes are coming soon.. hopefully will occur this November.
Watch this space xxx