Tuesday, 31 May 2016

March 2015 Trying to make the best of a bad result

February And March 2015 was tough, very tough.

The hard stuff happened...
Owen was diagnosed with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) This was the diagnosis we were hoping to avoid. As a result of this Owen was registered Severely sight Impaired (blind)
I still don't think I have got over this particular day.
The other day was the day of his Swallow test. It didn't go to well, Owen was shown to have silent aspiration. As this stage we were not sure what this mean't but some sort of feeding tube was looking more likely.

Although we may of not got the result we wanted, we still managed to have moments that made us smile during our day trip to Great Ormond street Hospital today. Thought I would share to hopefully make others smile too. X
I have been away from this blog for nearly two years now. But I have missed it so I am back

I have been posting in my Flourishing Warriors Facebook page
Just in case you haven't I will now re post a series of Facebook posts just to get you all up to speed.


I will no doubt be re visiting these topics as I start to write again.

So for now Enjoy
So thinking of starting up this blog again.
watch this space