This Blog entry follows the previous one of looking back at my Doppler scan.
It looks back to the events which unfolded before the birth of my beautiful twins.
I decided to go to the day assessment unit on my own to be monitored as I knew there would be a lot of waiting around and not a very fun way for the girls during there summer holidays. Although he hospital is only a 5 minute walk away Alex insisted he would drive me as it was a hot day. Armed with my kindle and a large bottle of water I sat down and waited to be seen.
I was popped onto a bed and hooked up to the CTG monitor. It was hard to get a good trace as both twins were moving around a lot. eventually they settled down enough for the male midwife to leave me and said he would return in a while to check on me. On his return he looked at the trace and told me twin one showed a dip and he wanted to get the Doctor to come down and take a look at it.
I sat back in the waiting area of the day unit. I waited for ages for a doctor to come down and see me. I watched the whole of the Grease movie on the television which was playing in the waiting area. it was all very surreal to me.
The doctor came in just as the end credits rolled, he sat at a desk and read my notes. He finally came over. The Doctor told me he wanted me to go upstairs to the Antenatal Ward for further monitoring. I then knew I wasn't coming home that day.
The lovely male midwife walked me up to the Antenatal unit. In the lift we met one of his colleagues, who was about to start her shift, they exchanged hellos and all three of us were talking about me expecting twins and the names I had chosen.
When up on the Antenatal ward they found me a bed and said they were going to monitor me again. I quickly phoned Alex, told him what was going on and asked if he and the girls could pop up and bring me along some socks as my feet were very cold.
They put me back on the CTG monitor where one poor student midwife had to sit there holding the probes to my belly, as because the babies wee constantly moving again they could not get a good trace.
Again there were a couple of dips and the paper printout was whisked away.
Lunch was then given to be, as I hadn't eaten. As I finished eating my cheese sandwich Alex and the girls arrived.. with my socks!! We sat there chatting till a different Doctor came in and told us they needed to deliver the babies today, When? As soon as they all were ready for me!!
I couldn't stop to think, I was given a hospital gown and teds to change into. Alex stepped out and frantically called my mums work and asked her to come as soon as she could to collect the girls from the hospital. The anesthesiologist came to my bedside to talk to me about either having a spinal block if there was time or I may have to have a general anaesthetic. he explained both to me. Another doctor then came and explained all about having a C-section and the risks involved. I then had to sign a consent form. Thirdly a paediatrician from neonatal came down to explain what was likely to happen with he babies when they were born. It was all very scary and very fast.
I wanted to finalise what we were calling the babies, Bethany helped make the final decisions of middle names. I wrote the names down on a piece of paper and told Alex to put it in his pocket. I said it was his job to tell them what there names were. I didn't want my babies up in special care alone and nameless.
A nurse came in next and told me off for not yet putting on my gown and teds. My mum still wasn't here to collect the girls I started panicking so Alex said he would call her again, but as he stepped out into the corridor he saw he walking down. We all got emotional as we said our goodbyes I couldn't hold it in anymore.
I was so so frightened. it was all too soon.
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