Sunday, 12 June 2016

December 2015 - A sad Goodbye to Nascot lawn

Today was Owen's last ever day session at Nascot Lawn, it was really sad to say goodbye as they have been amazing.

Nascot Lawn came a little while into my special needs journey,
It was suggested to me while at Opportunity Class by a visiting Physiotherapist.
Nascot Lawns is a Children's Respite Unit. We had an opportunity to apply to attend a day care session one day a week.
 I decided it was a good idea not because I needed a break or because I was struggling, but because I thought I would be good for my very clingy boy to get used to being in others company, especially as in the near future was school. Another reason why I agreed was for Florence, it would be nice for me to spend some quality time together in a more mainstream settings. That's exactly what we did. We had great fun at soft play, trips to the café and girlie shopping trips.

Our referral went to panel and after Owen was accepted. 
On our first visit I was amazed by the place, they had all the equipment. They also had an incredible sensory room. Elaine the person in charge of day sessions was very proud to say was fundraised by themselves, she then showed me what looked like a cupboard old one was. Most of the all the staff were amazing. They were so caring and knowledgeable. I knew Owen was in more than safe hands.

Nascot lawn was my first experience of Owen being left alone somewhere with all & all his care & therapy taken care of by someone else. It took a bit of getting use to. The first time I left him I cried all the way home. I called my husband he said its a great place Owen will be ok. I knew this so I answered "But what about me?" that's when it hit me,  without Owen I felt lost.

It took time for my guilt of leaving him to fade, My pride and my acceptance that sometimes I am allowed to have a break.

Flourishing Warriors's photo.

This picture shows his Christmas decoration he made while there.


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