Sunday, 12 June 2016

Flourishing Warriors Year In Review

 I know we could say this about a few years but 2015 has been particularly tough.

Here is a little review of what 2015 had in store for us. I have purposefully missed of all Owens routine appointments and therapies, but even so it will be a long read.

Jan - Settling into our new home, Lilly started new school. Owen spent most of January with chest infection after chest infection. Owen was measured for splints

 Feb - Owen received his leg splints.
Owen was diagnosed with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) and therefore registered as severely visually impaired.

 March - We started visiting Special needs schools and started the whole EHCP process.
Owen had a videofluoroscopy (swallow test) as was shown to have an unsafe swallow.

 April - Florence started Pre-School, which didn't go to well she had real separation anxiety. We did enjoy a fun Easter with family.

 May - It was agreed with Owens Community Paediatrician for Owen to have a Gastrostomony, so was put on the waiting list.
Owens Auntie Zoe did a Parachute Jump to raise money for Nascot Lawn Children's Respite Unit. She raised more than £500 which they brought a new squiggles mat with as that was one of Owens Favourite things.

 June - We had a EHCP meeting where all of Owens team came together to discuss his needs.
We attending a Neuro-Vision clinic at GOSH which was very helpful.

 July - Owen & Florence sadly said goodbye to EYSDC (Opportunity class) & Florence said goodbye to Pre-School.
Owen & Florence turned 3 and celebrating with a Superheroes and Princesses Party with their Gorgeous cousin Amelia who also turned 3.
Owen received his Snappi Wheelchair.

 August - Owen had a radiology Investigation in preparation for his Gastrostomy insertion the following month.

 Sept - At Owens pre-assessment for his operation we were told they found following his radiology investigation that he had Malrotation of the bowel, which is something he was born with, which was a ticking time bomb in case it developed into volvulus which is life threatening. At the already booked surgery date a procedure (Ladds Procedure) was performed to correct this as well as his feeding tube insertion.
Unfortunately a day after home Owen developed complications which lead him to be re-admitted for nearly 2 weeks more.
Amongst all this Florence also started Nursery, and when we were all home she settled in well.

 Oct - Was a lot of new visits from Community Nurses and dieticians. 

 November - A hearing test, eye test & we found out Owen got our first choice school.

 December - Admission meeting at Owens new school. Owen received weekly input from the Herts Visual Impairment team which will carry on at school. Lots of handovers from Owens old Therapists to his new School Therapists.
We sadly said goodbye to Nascot Lawn day services.

So what a year!!!
Would it be hard to believe it was also a very enjoyable year too. Here's to 2016 and many new adventures it may bring.. hopefully with a little less stress and more cheeky smiles.
Happy New Year From Us ALL xxxx

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