So on the 9th September in the very early morning, with our bags packed we made our way to Great Ormond Street. We was surprised to find out that they were also still going to go ahead with inserting a gastronomy feeding tube into his stomach at the same time.
The week in hospital was horrible, Owen was in a lot of pain and we all wanted for him to get better and to come home.
Owen grew stronger the operation to fix his bowels had worked and we were beginning to start feeds through the tube. The following Monday Owen came home.
Our relief was short lived, Later that day his tube site started leaking a little at first, but over the coming days it leaked more and more causing the stomach acids to make a hole next to the site, which then caused even more severe leaking & bleeding. We battled to seek medical help. Great Ormond Street has no beds for us to come back to, we felt alone scared and rather angry that no one was helping us. 2 x A&E trips and a 3 day stay a watford children's unit ended with us finally being re-admitted to Great Ormond street. Where Owen & myself have been staying for a further week.
We were again discharged.
We now have to build up his feeds through his Gastrostomy at a slower pace to make sure the wound is fully healed & to avoid further problems. But we are so glad to be going home.
We want thank everyone for all their well wishes. And particularly want to thank my sister Zoe, my mum and my auntie dee dee for looking after the girls while we have been away. X
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